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Steam 1000 Game sale

I knew it would be along soon, so here it is.

Steam 1000 Game sale

Here are some of the best i could find.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 66% off – $13.49

Dirt 2 335 off – $13.39

L4D2 50% off – $9.99

Peggle Complete 60% off – $7.99

SEGA Mega Drive Classics 2 Pack 25% off – $7.49

Golden Axe 25% off – $2.61

John Deere Drive Green 75% off – $7.50

And the best i have found
Grey’s Anatomy: The Video Game 25% off – $22.49


Fuzz's picture

woo hoo!

Zero gear is $4.99 again!

NBA 2K11 33% off. It’s like Christmas….

awwww yeah

get some grey’s anatomy up in this shit.

Sha8doW's picture

greys trucking what now?

Greys Anatomy… what a F-ing pile of bs

Shads pick

Freedom Force – Funny as hell ripoff piss take at super heros in RTS format! – $1.69US (you cant go wrong)

And my WTF game is HERE – I cannot believe they are charging $3.74US for that game… actually I cannot believe they are STILL charging ANYTHING for that game… the biggest WTF is right there (its more then GOOD recent games!)

Fuzz's picture

Zero Gear

Picked up a copy for $4.99. Who’s got it?

Fuzz's picture


Burnout Paradise $5 – n0mad, Robag, Matt, any good?

n0mad's picture


Burnout Paradise is awsum, sum great missi0ns, excellent physics and
just a great driving game where U can g0 wherever ya like…

0nly Pr0b is 0n my Vista 64 bit Machine it crashes every 5 minutes like
cl0ckw0rk, therf0re playing it is a real pain but f0r $5.00 I w0uld highly rec0mmend it….

Yep time 2 Play sum Zer0 Gear, Zer0 Gear is gr0use we all sh0uld have it IF YOU DON’T get it n0w……


zero gear is awesome

should so play it on Thursday, I know Crazy loves to play it.

Fuzz's picture


Car game experts.. er Spud, Blood etc, what do you reckon? Any good?

just bought Borderlands GOTY

for myself for $25.
thinking about getting it for crazy as well(just have to wait till she wakes up)

Borderlands GOTY

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